Applications for 2024 have closed.

About Us

The Upstream Training Trust (UTT) was established in 1997 by the Petroleum Agency SA (the Agency) and the companies participating in the South African off and on-shore search for oil and gas.

“Upstream” refers to the exploration, development and production phases of the petroleum industry, that is the phases prior to the refining of produced natural oil or gas. The term therefore includes seismic surveying, exploration (drilling) and production.

It plays a visible role in creating opportunities for training and development of South Africans in this industry. The UTT, as part of the Petroleum Agency SA, was formed with this objective in mind.

Our Focus Areas


Such as studies in computer science, information technology or information systems.


All fields including petroleum, chemical, civil, mechanical, structural or mining engineering.

Natural Science

Including studies in mathematics, physics, chemistry, environmental science, geology or geophysics.

Our Vision

To be the foremost facilitator of education and skills development for the petroleum industry and see South Africans from disadvantaged backgrounds find decent employment in the country’s growing upstream petroleum industry.

Our Mission

  • To work together with partners to help South Africans from disadvantaged backgrounds to acquire the skills, experience and opportunities to find employment in the country’s upstream petroleum industry.
  • To contribute towards the development of sustainable science and engineering capacity for the petroleum industry through investment in the human capital development of South Africans with specific emphasis on historically disadvantaged individuals.

Our Mandate

The objective of the Trust is providing financial support for innovative education initiatives. UTT is committed to making a positive impact in the education space and contribute to the development of the society with an aim of creating a pool of skilled people that the industry can access. In line with UTT strategy and goals, the aim is to provide:

  • Education & Development: The provision of funding and support services for schools, institutions of higher education and educational centres in South Africa for various projects, including supporting career awareness in science, engineering, and technology at school level.
  • Research: Provision of financial and other support for research including educational, industrial, scientific and technological research. A special interest in supporting petroleum education and research at tertiary educational level.
  • Funding of assets or other support services: Provisions of funds, assets, services and other resources to PBO’s or institutions for educational projects. Providing funding for projects that conduct research and create skills for the petroleum industry and build capacity.


The UTT is administered by the Agency as a non-profit organisation that seeks to provide specialised human skills to support the ongoing search for oil and gas. The UTT’s funds are provided by the companies licensed by the Agency. Exploration and production licensees are required to contribute to the trust annually. In this way, a collective approach is adopted in providing the specialised trained manpower required to continue the search for oil and gas and ensuring that South Africa has the skilled human resources available to do so.

Over the past decade, thanks to its donors, UTT has invested some R5 million on tertiary education bursaries for students spent R23 million on education and skills development projects which includes R 6 million funding for the Petroleum Studies Project.