I am the Senior Production Geologist working for Goldfields: South Deep Gold mine. I studied Geology through Upstream Training Trust (UTT) and graduated at the University of the Western Cape.
I would like to express my deepest and most profound gratitude for the incredible support I have received from the Upstream Training Trust. Your generosity and commitment have been extraordinary, going far beyond the call of duty.
Being a UTT bursary beneficiary has been the best thing to happen to me at varsity since I didn’t have any means to pay for my…
My experience with UTT was positive when I engaged with understanding persons to find solutions to concerns put forward.
The experience has been comforting especially knowing hat I need not to worry about majority of my financial stress.
The trust has helped me obtain my degree and put me in a position to elevate my socio-economic status.
UTT has been incredibly gracious in providing a bursary for me which has been followed up with being consistent in all that was promised. Although I have been a recipient of a bursary for only a year, the experience I have had with UTT is most positive.
I have been on the bursary programme for 3 years (going on 4). My experience has been fantastic and I’ve dealt with very kind, helpful, and organised coordinators for the most part.
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