Tebogo Simon Hlapa
My name is Tebogo Simon Hlapa. I am the Senior Production Geologist working for Goldfields: South Deep Gold mine. I studied Geology through Upstream Training Trust (UTT) and graduated at the University of the Western Cape.
- Some of the duties in my role include:
- Geological modelling
- Database management & QA/QC.
- Supporting resource delineation and mine production team for safe extraction of ore
- Managing a team of Geologists and Mineral Resource Technicians
I have a strong work ethics and organizational skills. I am extroverted, intuitive and a hardworking person. I am assertive, clear, and decisive. I love people and value competence. I enjoy challenges and I am adventurous. I am analytic & logical. I am a result oriented and a very dynamic individual. While in my first year I obtained a bursary from UTT, and that was the turning of what was to be. The trust enabled and eased the financial burden that I had taken through student loans. This created a healthy mental space for me to explore other opportunities outside the petroleum industry, like Teaching Maths and Physics as a token of appreciation to my community. I eventually landed a role as a geology intern at a gold mine, and from then I never looked back.